
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Patience is a virtue. And sleep is overrated. NOT.

Monday, February 21

Please don't hate me, but I brought the wrong USB connector for the camera, so my picture uploading will be delayed.  Sorry, I have some ridiculously awesome pictures, too.  I will do everything I can to rectify the sitch ASAP.

In other news,  I slept horribly, but no matter—it’s a vacation.  There’s always tonight.  Today is a full day tour which I am told will include: 
Eira Do Serrado, Camara de Lobos, Curral das Freiras, and Porto Moniz.
What those places are like, I don’t know…but I will be sure to blog in later. 


  1. Can't wait to see the pics!! Have fun on the tour.

  2. Here's hoping they have readily available int'l USB cables somewhere nearby. Looking forward to the next update!

    -Dennis E.

  3. Yipee! I am a follower. Feel like I am there. Keep it coming. Hi Mom!

  4. Happy to know you made it safely and are loving the scenery if not the lounge band! Just drink more madeira. Looking forward to pics when you get that sorted out!

  5. Ok, so the pics are here, if not the video. I will make sure they get up there because they are great. Bear with me. xo Thx for chiming in. Wish you were all here too.

  6. SO glad you're having fun! The pictures are beautiful, as is your writing!! Not seeing any videos - am I missing something? I'm waiting to hear back from my friend in Lisbon to see if she's playing anywhere. xoxo
