
Saturday, February 19, 2011

The power is out

Well, I wasn't going to post anything until we actually left Massapequa, but I have to in order to kill time.  I am sitting in the dark at Tony's house--the power went out because of crazy apocalyptic winds--and I am obviously done sleeping.  It's 5:20am, and thanks to the three (delicious) bottles of wine we killed last night, I am totally wide awake and I am sure my blood sugar levels are probably scary at the moment.  Perfect for traveling!  Guess I should hydrate.  Maybe I will sleep on the plane.  I have my plane socks and neck pillow ready to go.  Such a nerd. 

Thank GOODNESS for this Little House on the Prairie style wind-up flashlight Tony keeps he kidding me?!?  This thing is completely hilarious--and useless.  I have to figure out a way to download a picture of this flashlight.  Of course, now that I have complained about the flashlight, it will someday save our lives after some tropical storm power-outtage, but I can tell you that in the present scenario of no power in the house, it is providing NO help whatsoever.  Plus, it's stupidly noisy when being wound up, and I don't want to ruin Tony's sleep too.  My droid is more helpful than this flashlight.  Good thing I charged it up.

Nervous about leaving.  I hope this trip is fun, does not entail any logistical disasters, and does not put me (deeper) into financial ruin.   I've been scouring TripAdvisor and googling things to do and live web cams to get an idea of what might be in store--looks to me like Portugal is filled with wineries, monasteries, and flea markets.  Which sounds like HEAVEN.  Sweet.

 I am sure my mother is awake and nervous too, at home where Carly (the needy and enormous white dog who perpetually sheds and truly hates me and eats all of my shoes) has no idea that she is about to be abandoned for two full weeks.  Hrmph.  Carly. *Rolls eyes*

Here's the planaroni:  Getting on Metro-North at 7:24 to go pick up my (packed) suitcase at the apartment, douse the plants in water, stick in the water globes.  Forgot to pack my Scrabble (gasp!), so will stick that in the suitcase, and then head to Penn where I will go to the Pequa, inhale a bagel, meet Mom, get on a bus that goes to Newark, and then......*crosses fingers* with any away.

We'll see.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious rendition of your early morning saga! Hope the rest of the morning was a breeze (not more gale winds) and that you're slumbering peacefully onboard by now. Hug Madeira for me! Love that place. Hope you do too.. although the drive from the airport could be an 'interesting' introduction. But then you won't need coffee! Lots of beautiful hilly scenery, wonderful food, enchanting shopping, whale watches and other excursions in and at sea... and, oh yeah, do the 'sled pushed down big hill by guy in traditional costume' thing!
